Just a short post to commemorate the 400 post milestone.
The blog statistics now look like this:
Total 37,128
Average Per Day 101
Average Visit Length 2:22
Last Hour 6
Today 18
This Week 706
Total 60,144
Average Per Day 151
Average Per Visit 1.5
Last Hour 9
Today 24
This Week 1,056
The Top Three Articles read so far are:
Popular Feed Items
Name Views Clicks
Total 58,978 13,461
An Invaluable Reference on Health IT Value 820 23
Well, Now What is Needed in Australian e-Health is Confirmed – So Let’s Roll 467 94
MicroSoft’s HealthVault – Is it Applicable to, and will it work in Australia 388 83
The e-mail alert now goes to 130 different subscribers and total RSS and e-mail subscribers seems to be about 260.
All I can say to all who bother to read is “THANKS” and can you please comment and tell me what I have right and wrong. As opposed to my favourite nemesis this blog is about openness, truth and transparency.
On a serious note – I just loved this paragraph from the SMH talking about the current financial turmoil!
“Then there is Mike Smith, ANZ's chief executive. A career banker who spent 30 years with HSBC before taking on the leadership of Australia's third largest bank last October, Smith recalled the words of Wells Fargo chief executive John Stumpf as he addressed the Australian British Chamber of Commerce yesterday: "It's interesting that the industry has invented new ways to lose money, when the old ways seemed to work just fine."
Awful reading!
Thing globally are a mess – politically and financially..I hope better health systems might just help a tiny bit.