Weekly Overseas Health IT Links – 11th August, 2018

August 10, 2018
Here are a few I came across last week.
Note: Each link is followed by a title and few paragraphs. For the full article click on the link above title of the article. Note also that full access to some links may require site registration or subscription payment.

Davey Winder: Does AI have a part to play in securing NHS data?

Unless you have been living in a cave for the past month, you will know that the NHS has recently had its 70th birthday. However, you could be forgiven for not knowing that artificial intelligence (AI) is celebrating the same anniversary.
July 30, 2018
It was in July 1948 that Alan Turing’s Intelligent Machinery report was delivered to the National Physical Laboratory. It started with the words: “’You cannot make a machine to think for you.’ This is a commonplace that is usually accepted without question. It will be the purpose of this paper to question it.”
Fast forward to now, and AI is the current buzzword when looking at the future of the NHS through technology-tinted spectacles. At the end of June, Matt Hancock – then the secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport, now the health and social care secretary – opened the new London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement (LORCA).
In his speech, he talked up the importance of AI to the NHS. “All of the great advances in the human condition have been led by improvements in knowledge and collective intelligence,” Hancock stated.

Google Glass could help children with autism socialize with others

The high-tech accessory is teaching kids to read facial expressions, a pilot trial suggests
5:00am, August 2, 2018
Google Glass may have failed as a high-tech fashion trend, but it’s showing promise as a tool to help children with autism better navigate social situations.
A new smartphone app that pairs with a Google Glass headset uses facial recognition software to give the wearer real-time updates on which emotions people are expressing. In a pilot trial, described online August 2 in npj Digital Medicine, 14 children with autism spectrum disorder used this program at home for an average of just over 10 weeks. After treatment, the kids showed improved social skills, including increased eye contact and ability to decode facial expressions.
After her son Alex, now 9, participated in the study, Donji Cullenbine described the Google Glass therapy as “remarkable.” She noticed within a few weeks that Alex, who was 7 years old at the time, was meeting her eyes more often — a behavior change that’s stuck since treatment ended, she says. And Alex enjoyed using the Google Glass app. Cullenbine recalls her son telling her excitedly, “Mommy, I can read minds.” 

NIST Offers Guidance for Securing Patient EHRs on Mobile Apps

Implementing security safeguards is increasingly important as providers store and share patient EHRs on mobile devices.
August 02, 2018 - The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) detailed best practices for sharing, collecting, storing, or processing patient EHRs on mobile devices in new guidance intended to promote health data security.
“Healthcare providers increasingly use mobile devices to store, process, and transmit patient information,” wrote report authors. “When health information is stolen, inappropriately made public, or altered, healthcare organizations can face penalties and lose consumer trust, and patient care and safety may be compromised.”
The 260-page guide includes an example solution for improving the security of patient EHRs accessed through mobile devices developed in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE).

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