Sometimes You Feel Like Just Giving Up!

October 10, 2007

The following public tender from NSW Health darkened my e-mail inbox today! As I read I just became more and more gobsmacked.

RFT DOH 07 / 49 Details (Current)

RFT Number: DOH 07 / 49

RFT Title: A Proven Project Implementation Methodology for NSW Health

Category: Comprehensive health services

Closing Date: 23 Oct 2007

Closing Time: 10:00 AM (NSW Local Time)

Location: NSW

Description: The Clinical Services Redesign Program (CSRP) aims to reform the core activity of the public health system. It has been underway for the past 2 years. It introduced structural and cultural reforms of traditional work practices in order to ensure patient care is managed efficiently to:

- meet the needs of the patient;

- reduce delays;

- improve the quality of care; and

- to create an attractive and satisfying work environment.

As a result of the CSRP, a Project Implementation Methodoloy is required to assist with the implementation of redesign initiatives that are being developed across NSW Health. Amoungst the scope of this tender is to undertake capability development, training and support for NSW Health employees in this methodology.

The following deliverables are required:

- Face to face introduction and training to project implementation methodology for approximately 25-30 people

- Face to face 'train the trainer' in project implementation methodology for approximately 20-30 people, and subsequent mentoring of practitioners as required

- Conversion of content into E-learning package with tailored face to face support

- Documentation of tools and project implementation methodology

Estimated Value:

AUD$500,000.00 - $1,000,000.00

Tender Type:

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.


Charlotte Milner

Phone: 02 - 9391 9270

Fax: 02 93919456


What to say.?

First, NSW Health does not seem to know even how to use a spelling checker!

“As a result of the CSRP, a Project Implementation Methodoloy is required to assist with the implementation of redesign initiatives that are being developed across NSW Health. Amoungst the scope of this tender is to undertake capability development, training and support for NSW Health employees in this methodology.”

Second, and much more serious – are we to believe that NSW Health does not have a project implementation methodology? How could a Department with a budget of this scale be needing such help?

“19 June 2007

Record $12.5 billion budget to deliver health services

Greater investment in disease prevention, health promotion activities and delivering better access to health services will underpin a record $12.5 billion health budget for 2007/08, NSW Minister for Health Reba Meagher announced today.

Ms Meagher said this year's record budget provided an additional $831 million or 7.1 per cent increase on last year.

"This record budget, that now represents 28 per cent of the total State Budget, continues to build on the achievements already made by the Iemma Government to deliver essential health services to the people of NSW," Ms Meagher said.”

Third, and even more serious still, why are they 2 years into a Clinical Services Redesign Program before they notice they need to manage the implementation of projects to get anywhere?

Clearly what we have seen in recent days is but a symptom of a Department of Health which is seriously clueless and in managerial meltdown.

It could just be that Mr Abbott has a point, and that at least the NSW Health Department is terminal or near thereto!

I wonder how methodologically organised the Health IT is in NSW? – not much better I fear given the glacial pace at which they seem to be moving.


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