I must say it is always gratifying when something useful falls off the back of a truck!
This arrived this morning and has made my day from one of my favourite deep throats (no names – no pack drill)!
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A copy of the AHIC eHealth Future Directions final briefing paper arrived last week.
The recommendations of the report, which went to the October 4 AHMAC meeting (that is the Australian Health Minister’s Advisory Council (AHMAC)– the peak e-Health body in the country) , are:
1. To develop a comprehensive national eHealth strategy in consultation with the Jurisdictions, industry, community and health services
2. That AHMAC recognises that eHealth is the cost of doing business in the 21st century, hence requiring continued investment
3. That AHMAC recognise that the Jurisdictions already have many of the necessary eHealth components already, and that what is needed is a system of knowledge exchange
4. That a ‘time limited’ implementation function / body be established and funded by AHMAC to integrate eHealth nationally
5. That the core set of components for a Shared Electronic Health Record be operating across Australia by 2012
6. That an implementation plan and resources schedule be developed to deliver the AHMAC eHealth strategy
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The pain in all this is:
1. Why is the AHIC eHealth Future Directions briefing paper not public already?
2. With a Federal Election called what is the chance of any action?
3. Neither party has an e-health policy election announcement so far – maybe the HISA survey results – when published – can change that!
These recommendations, if implemented properly, will allow me to stop typing about the lack of an e-Health Strategy, Business Case and Implementation Plan, and get on with the blog being a tool to share information on the bleeding edge of Health IT!
I hope this is all true! It is not before time!