Well amazingly I was checking the site stats at the following date and I saw the blog had made it to a bit of a milestone.
The date and time were : Dec 17 2007 09: 28: 36AM GMT: +11
Here are the stats I saw:
Total - 30,000
Average Per Day - 99
Average Visit Length - 2:13 mins
Last Hour - 7
Today - 28
This Week - 691
Total - 48,806
Average Per Day - 159
Average Per Visit - 1.6
Last Hour - 10
Today - 46
This Week -1,116
This really is a great outcome and helps to encourage me to keep up the typing.
With this objective past we can now wind down for Christmas.
Baring urgent breaking news normal services will resume Monday January 7, 2008
A safe and happy time to all.