YouTube and the Electronic Health Record!

December 22, 2007

While browsing some articles regarding the current use of EHR’s in the UK to provide patients with access to their records I came upon the following URL:

I watched and suddenly realised that this was just the introduction to a series of very interesting short videos around a range of issues and concerns about how proper patient access could be safely and sensibly provided and what the potential benefits and risks might be.

I then noticed there were all sorts of other related material available.

To check things out I then tried a search for “Electronic Health Record”

The results of my search can be found here:

The top few finds were as follows:

The Electronic Health Record: Is It Worth It?

A discussion of the flaws and downfalls related to Electronic Health Records and Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems...Downfalls Electronic Health Record Computerized Physician Order Entry

Time: 05:59

Benefits of the Electronic Health Record

This is a discussion of the benefits of the electronic health record. Specifically the author evaluated CPOE and BCMA for cost and quality...BCMA CPOE EHR

Time: 05:02

Implementation of an Electronic Health Record

This is a narrated Power Point presentation of how to use Microsoft Project to facilitate the implementation of an EHR....EHR

Time: 06:59

Electronic Health Records

This presentation reviews the benefits and challenges of electronic health

Time: 05:20

Add Video to QuickListProtecting Electronic Health Information

For more information, please visit EHI

Time: 02:08

Electronic Health Records

Medical Practice Management Software...Amplus Practice Management Software Medical Doctor Nurses

Time: 05:41

Overview of the Continuity of Care Record (CCR) XML Schema

Care Record (CCR) standard is a patient health summary standard. It is a way to create flexible documents that contain the most relevant and timely core health This video gives a brief overview of the structure of the XML Schema. The intended audience is developers just getting started with the schema or want to learn if the CCR will fit their data representation needs.


The Continuity of Care Record (CCR) standard is a patient health summary standard. It is a way to create flexible documents that contain the most relevant and timely core health information about a patient, and to send these electronically from one care giver to another. It contains various sections such as patient demographics, insurance information, diagnosis and problem list, medications, allergies and care plan. These represent a "snapshot" of a patient's health data that can be useful or possibly lifesaving, if available at the time of clinical encounter. The ASTM CCR standard is designed to permit easy creation by a physician using an electronic health record (EHR) system at the end of an encounter.


Time: 09:48

There is a huge range of material – up to and including long videos of near to an hour on digital identity management and so on.

This could easily cost a long Saturday afternoon just browsing!

Have fun.


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