Should The Government Have Spent Over Two Billion Dollars On The myHR And Still Not Know What It Is Good For?

July 10, 2018
As part of the excited ADHA announcement with the Health Minister we had the following:

Digital Health Test Beds program

Media release - Improving patient healthcare through digital trials

Patients from around Australia will benefit from 15 new projects that will utilise information from a consenting patient’s My Health Record to improve the delivery of their healthcare.
The $8.5 million Digital Health Test Beds program will trial new approaches in chronic health, palliative care, and post hospital support.
Eastern Health and Monash University are undertaking a trial to help patients better manage their medication after they leave hospital.
More than 290 community pharmacies and 5,000 patients will be involved. The projects will connect community pharmacists to information from hospitals to help patients with their medicines in the transition from hospital to home.

Digital Health Test Beds program projects

1. Eastern Health with partners including Monash University, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Deakin University and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia will develop, implement and evaluate, via a Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT), a program to increase the engagement of patients after hospital discharge with their community pharmacists, and optimise the use of medicines information from the discharging hospital using My Health Record.

2. Bilue will progress the development of a mobile application for patients with pancreatic cancer, which will integrate with My Health Record, to allow patients to more effectively manage their condition and treatment plans in near real-time collaboration with their multi-disciplinary team.

3. Metro South Hospital & Health Service, in partnership with The Clinician, will seek to demonstrate the effect of a new cancer-specific patient-reported experience measure (PREM) instrument managed through a digital platform and patient facing app that will be used by the patients and their families.

4. Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN with partners including the University of Queensland and West Moreton Hospital and Health Service will use the My Health Record to develop a coordinated information transfer and patient journey from prison to primary care as prisoners are released from incarceration back into the community, and to ensure former prisoners can maintain and ensure continuity of healthcare.

5. Fred IT Group with partners including the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Monash University will research, measure and produce evidence of the benefits available through more effective medications management at the point of admission and discharge from hospitals, and also demonstrate scalability using FRED IT’s MedView platform for health practitioners across Victoria and the ACT.

6. Kabisa Medical will use their intuitive system to gather, analyse and present historical pathology results from all healthcare providers, and demonstrate the benefits of increasing patient flow in a hospital environment, reducing the duplication of pathology results and saving time for hospital staff.

7. PwC, in collaboration with the Western Sydney Diabetes alliance, which has the goal ‘Beat Diabetes in Western Sydney Together’, will establish a health data interchange that will integrate securely with My Health Record to create the capability to evaluate the impact of 21 existing interventions across the full spectrum from primary prevention to complex case management.

8. Outcome Health with partners including Health Language Analytics-Global, South East Melbourne PHN, Eastern Melbourne PHN, Gippsland PHN, and Central & Eastern Sydney PHN will utilise My Health Record to data further strengthen the capability to predict patients risk of an Emergency Department presentation and enable GPs to act on this information.

9. Outcome Health will work with PHNs across Victoria and NSW to provide general practices with a view of the My Health Record that provides relevant information in the context of clinical workflow, leveraging the POLAR (POpulation Level Analysis and Reporting) System that has been already been established.

10. Sydney North PHN, with partners Sydney Adventist Hospital and Macquarie University, will accelerate efforts in the Sydney North region to enhance shared care models and drive an increase in the digital maturity of private specialists through engagement with My Health Record. Toolkits and resources developed through this test bed will support adoption and use nationally.

11. Sydney North PHN will work with Northern Sydney Local Health District and Macquarie University accelerate an already-progressing effort in the Sydney North region to use Secure Messaging and My Health Record to connect Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) with General Practice, Pharmacy and Acute Care Hospital Avoidance (HAPOP) providers.

12. The University of Sydney, with partners including Western Sydney Cardiology, Western Sydney Local Health District and WentWest PHN will investigate how My Health Record can support the delivery of a new model of care, optimise clinical workflow, support risk stratification, and reduce duplicate testing through Rapid Access Cardiology Clinics (RACCs).

13. St John of God Health Care, with partners including Healthily and Midland Public Hospital in Perth will roll out the Healthily GoShare digital patient education platform to allow health professionals to send their patients customised bundles of credible health resources, which will improve integrated care and chronic disease self-management in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

14. GP Partners Australia with partners including FollowMyHealth and Flinders Digital Health Research Centre will enhance patient and carer engagement, and self-management through a patient portal connected to end of life information, healthcare providers and My Health Record in South Australia and the Northern Territory, this will reduce avoidable hospital transfers and admissions by improving engagement with residential aged care facilities, after hours GPs, and extended care paramedics.

15. Precedence Health Care with partners including Adelaide PHN, South Perth PHN, North Perth PHN, IPN Medical Centres, Sonic Clinical Services and Movember will empower patients in South Australia, Western Australia, ACT and Tasmania with chronic illness to better manage their own care using an app and the patient portal ‘MediTracker’ to access My Health Record, connect with GPs and care teams, and share information and self-patient data.
Here is the link:
We have been at the PCEHR / myHR since 2012 and we still need to start doing trials to see if the current myHR is of any practical use? Is that what comes out of this? This article captured the question.

Govt tries to prove My Health Record's worth

By Justin Hendry on Jul 3, 2018 5:57PM

Funds 15 digital testbeds.

The federal government has funded 15 testbed projects to investigate new ways of addressing priority health areas using information from the My Health Record.
The Australian Digital Health Agency went looking for projects to fund in May to trial new models of healthcare and enhance consumer participation.
It wants to use the projects to test digital technologies and create evidence of the impact of new services or models of care, drawing on information from the personal e-health record.
A three-month opt-out period for the My Health Record will run from July 16 to October 15, after which the record shifts to an opt-out model.
Health Minister Greg Hunt today announced the first tranche of testbeds that will use “information from a consenting patient’s My Health Record to improve the delivery of their healthcare”.
More here:
We could have saved a lot of money or had a much better system had these all been done years ago I reckon. There is hardly any amazing innovation in any of them, and you really do wonder about the laser like focus on the myHR. Is it all that there is in Digital Health or is the Government spending $8.5M to try and prove its point that there is actually some value in the thing?

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