Here Are The Reasons You May Decide To Opt Out Of Or Inactivate Your myHR.

June 25, 2018
I thought I would put together my 12 top reasons to stay away or inactivate.

Here is my list of reasons:

1. The Information in the record may be out of date or incomplete and thus be misleading – leading to mistakes or clinical harm. I.e. it is dangerous!

2. If inactivated or opted out no additional – and potentially unwanted or embarrassing – data will be added to your myHR.

3. Once your information is in the myHR the Government can use it for any purpose it likes without actually asking you.

4. There is no reason to suppose your data held in the myHR will be held secure and private and not breached – given all the systems that seem to be breached on a weekly basis these days.

5.All sorts of people not directly involved in your care are able to access your clinical details (e.g. practice staff, pharmacy assistants etc.

6. There are better ways to co-ordinate care than through the use of the clunky myHR.

7. There is no facility for me to edit or delete records I am not happy are correct.

8. The system is not designed to be easily searched for information and so won’t be.

9. Over time the myHR system will become a decade or two covering huge pile of Medicare and PBS records that will never be accessed or used.

10. There is no evidence that the myHR system will make much difference to clinical care while the funds spent could provide a range of proven valuable services.

11. It is clear that the system was not designed to help patients of doctors but to assist the Government manage the health system without being open and frank with the public.

12. The quality of the data in the myHR is inferior to the information held by GPs and specialist in the own systems.

And for one more:

13. The concept of ‘standing consent’ to record upload is a dishonest trick so you forget all this information about you is just going to the Government for any use they can think of!

What are your reasons to stay away?


Post-Script: It seems to me the fiasco with HealthEngine is very likely to damage trust in the whole digital health eco-system for a period so I would opt-out / deactivate for now and look again in 6-12 months time to see how things are travelling.


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