This Seems Like A Reasonable Idea To Get The Blokes To See A Doctor Occasionally.

June 26, 2018
This appeared last week:

Tamworth company develops app for men's health

14 June 2018
Men of all ages will be reminded to take regular health check-ups to stay healthy and out of hospital with the assistance of a new app developed by a Tamworth company with the backing of the NSW Government.
Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson helped launch the 'PromptMate' app in the lead-up to Men’s Health Week next week.
The app has been developed by ManageHealth with the support of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) grant from the NSW Government-backed Jobs for NSW.
'This app PromptMate will be like a tap on the shoulder for men to touch base with their GP or specialist on a regular basis to maintain a healthy balance of life,' Mr Anderson said.
'It’s great to see proactive companies like ManageHealth developing new technologies that can make a difference to our community’s health and wellbeing.'
ManageHealth founder and director Peter Annis-Brown said the MVP grant allowed his company to develop the app which had just been launched in the Apple store.
'The app will alert and prompt men to have annual health checkups with their GP, dentist, dietitian, specialists, or get hearing, eye, fitness or other tests as needed,' Mr Annis-Brown said.
'It has specific checklists of tests men should have for their age and will include lifestyle tips to help them stay on track with their physical and mental health.
'Men being men, some of us need to be reminded to get health checks done as sometimes we think we are ten foot tall and bullet proof - until something goes wrong.
'Regular health checks can pick up medical conditions early, saving our medical system costs and possibly making the difference between life and death.
'If users of the app don't indicate they have undergone scheduled tests there will be push notifications to remind them to get it done.
More here:
I hope some formal evaluation of the effectiveness of the app is planned a little later,

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