This Might Be Another Reason You Might Want To Stay Out Of The myHR.

June 18, 2018
This appeared a few days ago.

MBS access on the way?

Pharmacists having access to MBS items may be a step closer, PSA national president Dr Shane Jackson has hinted

Speaking at the opening session of ConPharm 2018, the Annual Consultant Pharmacy Seminar, Dr Jackson highlighted three areas of opportunity for accredited pharmacists – one of which is MBS access.
“Only three weeks ago I wrote to the chair of the MBS Review Taskforce, Professor Bruce Robinson, and highlighted again the glaring disparity where pharmacists are not able to be included on the list of allied health professionals who can deliver services to patients under the chronic disease management items,” Dr Jackson told the conference.
“I’ve received correspondence back from Professor Robinson highlighting that the inclusion of pharmacists will be included as part of the review to be conducted in the second half of this year.
“So I’m really positive that we’ll have an opportunity not only to be delivering services within the general practice environment in the future, but to be able to deliver MBS item services in multiple settings, whether that being on the high street, whether that be in community pharmacy, or whether that be in a general practice in the future.
“I think that there is great opportunity in that area.” 
MBS access and two other key areas clinical pharmacists need to be aware of will transform practice over the next year or two, Dr Jackson said. 
The first of these is the My Health Record, which will bring a range of health information to the fingertips of health professionals – “and that includes accredited pharmacists”.
“I know that some accredited pharmacists have struggled to register with the system – I’m assured by the Digital Health Agency from 1 July 2018, that the process for accredited pharmacists will be much more streamlined, and user-friendly, in signing up for the My Health Record system.”
Dr Jackson also highlighted the Workforce Incentive Program, which for the first time means “significant investment outside of the Community Pharmacy Agreement in pharmacists”.
The program allows general practice to employ a pharmacist to deliver services, from 1 July 2019, in what Dr Jackson called a “massive opportunity” for the profession.
Lots more here:
The point is that unless the patient knows how to and places an access code on the myHR the pharmacist(s) and probably many assistants will be able to see all the contents of the myHR.
Any drug, discharge summary and so on, no matter how unrelated to your present prescription, will be able to be noted (your medical abortion drug, your STI treatment, your anti-depressant and so on) and who knows where it MAY go from there….
Unless you trust all these people to do the right thing, opt-out or place the relevant controls on your myHR and help all your friends to do the same…..
The myHR may be a ‘game-changer’ for your medical privacy, and not in a good way, unless you are very careful.

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