A Few Thoughts On The Proposed Senate Inquiry

August 14, 2018
Having reflected on all this there are some points worth making.

First - after the ALP Release and Minister Hunt's response it is clear we now have moved from bi-partisanship to political contest.

Second it would be a more than considerable surprise if Labor does not form the next Federal Government - given the polls over the last 2.5 years.

Third if this occurs then the myHR will become Labor's problem and if it does not then the Coalition will face a contested environment on the future of the myHR.

In both circumstances we need to have the opt-out process paused while a full, all options on the table, Review is conducted . The artificial objective of finishing the inquiry before the opt-out period has not been properly thought through and the opt-out period should re-commence after the Inquiry has reported and been properly publicised.

Since this would almost certainly go very close to the next election (allowing for the silly season over Christmas) and the care-taker period, it would seem sensible to simply pause until the election outcome is known and whatever is required is begun by a new, re-elected Government.

We need a considered outcome to all this - not haste and error!


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