Useful To See What Brochure Patients Who Go To Their GP Are Being Given!

August 21, 2018
I had my GP bring me the brochure that is being handed out.

Front Page:

Back Page:

Besides being un-corrected with a wrong date for opt-out ending (and a little crumpled) I have to say reading this it is clear the myHR is just wonderful with no risk and no downside, with great benefit for you and your doctor - if he/she is using it and if you let them see what it contains.

There is no hint on how you can control your information and no explanation that you need to discover and use those controls of your myHR defaults to all content being accessible.

There is the claim of safer and more efficient care - but no mention of the time the GP will need to spend working on the computer rather than assessing and planning your care. No evidence of improved care or safety is cited.

Also there is no warning to those groups for whom it may be a disadvantage (mental health, STI's, HIV and Hep C patients etc. etc.) if they have a myHR.

I could go on. This is not a information brochure, it is public disinformation and spin.


Late addition (via Bernard R-D) 22/8/2018:

A content analysis of the consumer-facing online information about My Health Record: Implications for increasing knowledge and awareness to facilitate uptake and use.

Conclusion: "The authors identified a number of gaps and areas for improvement in the provision of consumer-facing information about MyHR. Readability is too high for the general Australian population, and there are few translated resources, which means that the information provided does not cater to people with low literacy levels, communication disability, and/or difficulties in understanding written English. The target audiences for resources do not reflect priority groups that were identified during the MyHR development processes. There are also gaps in information provision about how consumers can use MyHR as a tool to meaningfully engage with health professionals and services to support their own person-centred care."

Apart from that, everything is fine........


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